Please click the new conversations button if you want to open new conversations, if you want to Video Call please click the New Video Call button.To start the conversations please click the + button in the lower right corner.Find your friends, if you want to find your friends Google users hangout click the NEXT button if not click the SKIP button.Download and install the Google Hangout application from the Google Play store.How to Google Hangouts app download for android With this new feature we no longer have to open the Google Maps application, mark locations and send them through Hangouts.ĭon’t worry if you don’t want your position to be known by all of the interlocutors in Hangoout, because Google does not necessarily include this feature in all conversation sessions, the Hangout application will first ask for your approval before this feature is activated.

A GPS icon automatically appears at the bottom of the conversation session, when the other person types in the sentence ‘where are you?’, Which if we press the location of the map will appear for the next we send to the other person. With this new feature, the Hangout application can find out the user’s position automatically and provide our location information to the other person when the other person asks us where we are, or vice versa. Google Hangouts app download for android – Google’s instant messaging service, formerly known as Google Talk, has now become “smarter” by including a feature called “smart location sharing”, this feature allows users to share location information without having to log in to other applications to send user positions.